
STYLE Solutions for You


Look and Feel
Beautiful with
Color Analysis

Learn what colors look amazing on you!


Color Analysis will Reveal the Colors that Make You Look Beautiful!

Go from blah to beautiful by wearing the colors that enhance your natural beauty.  Everyone has colors that make them look fabulous.   Don't you want to know yours?

Wearing your best colors is the easiest and most dramatic change you can make to improve how you look!  The results will be amazing and life changing.  You'll wish you had done it years ago.

Download my updated seasonal color analysis guide to color analyze yourself and discover your best colors today.

Plus, get a 10% coupon by email to use on a
seasonal color fan!


Get a seasonal color fan or digital color palette to use as your personal color coach.  Even if you know your color season, without a color palette you'll make mistakes.  But you don't have to.  You just need a color palette to get it right!

Not sure what your best colors are?  Need a professional opinion?  Book your color analysis today.


Give the gift of color to your family and friends with a gift certificate for a seasonal color palette or virtual color consultation.



Style Solutions for You offers:

 Best Selling Seasonal Color Palettes

Get a Seasonal Color Palette with 42 beautiful 2" x 3.75" laminated fabric swatches. 

Why People Love Their Color Palettes

Hi Ya'll!

I’m Cheryl ,  a trained Color and Image Consultant and owner of Style Solutions for You.  I'm committed to helping you discover your best colors and create a colorful curated closet.

Learning what colors to wear and how to dress changed my life and gave me the confidence and courage to pursue my dreams and goals.   I now empower women by teaching them how to transform their appearance using seasonal color analysis and simple style solutions. 

I believe God created you with beauty and purpose.  From colors to closets, I'm ready to help you look and feel fabulous.  If your outside doesn’t reflect who you are inside, let's begin your tranformation today.

More about Cheryl >


Learn from my best tips on color, style and beauty to help you look fabulous and age-amazing.


Join the Style Solutions for You FB Community! 

Join a friendly and supportive community of stylish women from around the world.  Have fun as you get encouraged, inspired and learn more about  color and style. 

Transform with Style

Transform with Color